3-Indolebutyric acid (IBA)

Product Name

3-Indolebutyric acid




IBA; Indole-3-butyric acid  



Mol. Weight



White crystal


Above 98%

3-Indolebutyric acid, like 3-Indoleacetic acid, is an indole growth regulator. It exists in some plants and has similar activity to 3-Indoleacetic acid, but its stability is higher than 3-Indoleacetic acid. It belongs to broad-spectrum plant growth regulation. The agent can increase the content of chlorophyll, protein and nucleic acid in the plant and increase the rate of photosynthesis; it can promote the rooting of plants, increase the survival rate of cuttings and transplantation, and regulate vegetative growth.

Uses & Benefits:

1) Promote growth, protect flowers and fruits - Spray 12-24mg / L 3-Indolebutyric acid in rice 1 leaf, 1 heart stage 2 and 3 leaf 1 heart stage, once to promote rooting, increase yield and income.

2) Promote growth, protect flowers and fruits -  Combined with 0.3-0.5mg / L 1-naphthylacetic acid and 1.4-2.1mg / L 3-Indolebutyric acid, spraying was applied once after transplanting the cucumber to survive (3-4 leaf stage) and initial flowering stage, and induced adventitious root formation. , Increase fruit set rate, prevent fruit drop and so on.

3) Promote rooting
 - Soaking new branches of apples, pears, peaches and other fruits and trees with 50 mg / L 3-Indolebutyric acid for 24 hours or soaking the branches with 1000-2000 mg / L medicinal solution for 3-5 seconds can promote shoot rooting and increase the survival rate of cuttings.

4) Promote rooting
 - Soaking grape branches with 5-20mg / L 3-Indolebutyric acid for 24 hours can promote rooting and improve survival rate of cuttings.